IRIS project activities are divided into 11 work packages dealing with different topics:
WP1: Transition strategy: five tracks to maximize integration synergy and replicability
WP2: EU wide cooperation with ongoing projects, initiatives and communities
WP3: Development of Bankable Business Models and Exploitation Activities
WP4: City Innovation Platform
WP5: Utrecht Lighthouse City demonstration activities
WP6: Nice Lighthouse City demonstration activities
WP7: Gothenburg Lighthouse City demonstration activities
WP8: Replication by Lighthouse regions, Follower cities, European market uptake
WP9: Monitoring and evaluation
WP10: Communication and Dissemination
WP11: Project Management
WP12: Ethics requirements

Each work package has to summarise its activities and findings and deliver this information to the European Commission. The majority of the deliverables is available to the public while some of them are confidential.
Please find below a list of the public deliverables generated so far and benefit from the experience gained within IRIS project. Click on the title to download the full document.
WP1: Transition strategy: five tracks to maximize integration synergy and replicability
D1.1: Report on the list of selected KPIs for each Transition Track (TT) (Updated version)
This deliverable contains a list of KPIs that will be used for facilitating the monitoring phase of the demonstrated Solutions and their evaluation. The repository of KPIs will differentiate based on the character of each of the five Transition Tracks (TT) already identified and described in the context of IRIS.
D1.2: User, Business and Technical Requirements of T.T.#1 Solutions
This deliverable summarizes the know-how about existing solutions relevant to increase of RES harvesting and utilization of waste heat streams among partners and their integration with smart components in order to become smart controlled and more replicable on an EU level. The report provides detailed requirements and specification of the corresponding solutions, and recommendations capable of allowing the demonstrated solutions to become more transferable among EU cities.
D1.3: User, Business and Technical requirements of T.T.#2 Solutions
This deliverable summarizes the know-how about existing solutions relevant to energy management and storage among partners and at second level their integration with smart components in order to become smart controlled and more efficient. The report provides detailed requirements detailed requirements and specifications of the corresponding solutions, and recommendations capable of allowing a smarter and more efficient grid balancing, not only as concerns the electricity, but also additional energy streams distribution as those of heating/cooling on a city level basis.
D1.4: User, Business and Technical requirements of T.T.#3 Solutions
This deliverable summarizes the know-how about existing solutions relevant to mobility schemes promoting RES use and management (e.g. EVs, V2G) among partners and their integration with smart components in order to become smart controlled and more replicable on an EU level. The report provides detailed requirements and specifications of the corresponding solutions, and recommendations capable of allowing the demonstrated solutions to become more transferable among EU cities.
D1.5: User, Business and Technical requirements of T.T.#4 Solutions
This deliverable describes the compliance of the City Innovation Platform (CIP) for each city with existing and developing standards, open protocols, security measures, international initiatives and the EU technical regulations already in force for grid monitoring (e.g. European Smart Grid Task Force for grid monitoring). The report provides detailed input for implementing an open, flexible platform that matches existing and developing initiatives.
D1.6: Report on Citizens requirements from the T.T.#5 Solutions (Updated version)
This deliverable compiles and summarises existing approaches to citizen engagement and parallel co-creation approaches. It examines in detail how the different solutions can include the requirements of citizens in their development and deployment and will consider the individual characteristics of the targeted citizen populations in each city. A citizen engagement plan has been formulated and described for each demonstration area that includes activities for stimulating and encouraging citizen engagement and for creating appropriate end user profiles that will be used in WP3, 5-7 and 8.
D1.7: Transition Strategy, Commissioning Plan for the demonstration & replication (Updated version)
This deliverable provides a detailed transition strategy plan, comprising of the demonstration, replication and opinions exchange planning among cities / administrations / cities planners and all involved stakeholders, on the basis of the analysis of all the defined solutions in the five IRIS transition tracks. It also includes a commissioning plan that will further be developed and commonly approved by all involved partners, to be used in the demonstrations of the three LH cities.
WP2: EU wide cooperation with ongoing projects, initiatives and communities
D2.1: Lessons learnt through cooperation with other Lighthouse projects (pending EU approval)
This deliverable identifies and analyses barriers and drivers in legislation, regulations and policies as experienced by the LHs and FCs at local, national and European levels and provides recommendations for adaptation, mitigation and lobby addressing specifically the barriers, focusing on barriers that can be addressed effectively within the scope of the project.
D2.2: Report on improvement of existing standards/interoperability issues of ICT (pending EU approval)
This deliverable describes the related standards, suggestions for adaptation or improvement of standards, and recommendations for interoperability of the ICT, USEF and data to ensure that the data can be used in the various systems without extra handling or loss of the significance of related information.
D2.3: Recommendations for KPIs based on CITYKEYS and SCIS (pending EU approval)
This deliverable provides 1) a concise summary of the work that has been done for the establishment of a KPI framework, to be seen as a guide for future projects and 2) lessons learned when applying the framework in practice in the demo sites.
WP3: Development of Bankable Business Models and Exploitation Activities
D3.1: Assessment of entrepreneurial ecosystems (pending EU approval)
This deliverable provides insight into what factors in the local environment create conditions for developing and implementing new business models and what factors are barriers to such business model development.
D3.2: Sustainable Business Model Dash-board tool
This deliverable provides a dashboard tool where Lighthouse (LHs) and Follower Cities (FCs) can position themselves, in view of helping them generating a Sustainable Business Model (SBM) in the process of replication from LHs to FCs. This tool is intended to identify structural weaknesses in the replication strategy, and how to go beyond in reference to 3 pillars structuring the SBM.
D3.3: European cities and district market analysis
This deliverable contains identified efficient pathways for replication and deployment of IRIS solutions by trending and mapping legal, political, acceptance and financial conditions throughout Europe
D3.4: SCUIBI-program 3.0 handbook for implementation in IRIS cities & beyond
This deliverable provides a handbook for implementing a Smart Cities User Innovation and Business Incubation Program we have developed and implemented in Utrecht, Nice and Gothenburg. The program we present is tried, and tested, and lessons have been drawn from experience in the three LH-cities. The handbook is ready to implement in the follower cities
D3.6: IRIS City innovation management performance and roadmaps
This deliverable aims to enhance the IRIS cities’ innovation management capacity. It provides the baseline and the initial performance of the IRIS cities innovation management, showing best practices and Achilles heels. There is also a list of focus areas that relates to all IRIS cities and WP3 implies that it will benefit replication activities if the cities take action on each bullet. D3.6 also presents a tool that can be used when, in the end of the project, one wants to see the different cities development regarding innovation management. The objective is for the IRIS cities to find means on how to increase their present innovation management performance.
D3.7: Financing solutions for cities and city suppliers
This deliverable intends to give the reader an overview of a number of Financial Instruments available for enabling of innovation scale-up and replication. The deliverable provides a tool-section describing important steps that partners need to take before it is meaningful to approach an entity providing Financial Instruments. The tool section also shows the estimated relevance of the various instruments compared to the five IRIS innovation tracks. Furthermore, the deliverable addresses the cities need for capital to invest in innovative solutions from suppliers and the suppliers need for capital to invest in product and service development and in competence and human resources.
D3.8: IRIS exploitation plan and operations
This deliverable sets the framework for how the consortium will exploit its results and reach the objective of recruiting 100 cities to follow IRIS. It also indicates what needs to be done and by whom. Several sets of questions are presented, and these are to be seen as tools that will enable all solution providers to make their individual exploitation plans.
D3.9: IRIS Beyond business plan (pending EU approval)
This deliverable provides a set of recommendations for strategy and plan based on IRIS’s exploitable results, business models, value chains, profit and loss calculations, analysis of market stimulators, funding and financial instruments and potential collaborations with external organisations. The report aims to set and launch a strategy on how to catalyse the deployment of IRIS solutions and other project values beyond project termination.
WP4: City Innovation Platform
D4.2: Functional & technical requirements for integrated, interoperable and open solutions, standards and new business models
This deliverable presents the standard-based reference CIP architecture and technology stack for connecting, managing and providing large volumes of data and information coming from vertical solutions, platforms and external data sources/partners. The reference architecture contains the foundation for a City Data Market, to provide support for realizing integrated solutions, new business models and applications. It also describes the Data Management Framework, including requirements for data governance policies and compliance with security and privacy regulations (GDPR).
D4.3: Data Governance Plan
This deliverable provides a methodology and practical guide to implement a Data Governance Plan in an City Information Platform. It provides information applicable to the different parties involved in the IRIS project in accordance with all the common decisions taken to build the current architecture.
D4.4: Document with technical solution reference architecture for CIP-components (Updated version)
This deliverable describes the business and technical capabilities needed for the CIP. It also contains a description of technical aspect like API’s and FIWARE components used.
D4.5: Implementation and integration of core CIP components
A guide for integration and configuration of Fiware components and source code of the CIP core components and APIs of the CIP platform with technical documentation and test plan.
D4.7: Software updates on CIP-components, standards and processes
This deliverable describes the everyday operation of the CIP deployed and integrated in the LH cities and the results of the monitoring of the health status and performance of the CIP.
D4.8: Second round of software updates on CIP-components, standards and processes (pending EU approval)
This deliverable is an update of D4.7 and describes the everyday operation of the CIP deployed and integrated in the LH cities and the results of the monitoring of the health status and performance of the CIP.
WP5: Utrecht Lighthouse City demonstration activities
D5.1: Report on baseline, ambition & barriers for Utrecht lighthouse interventions (Updated version)
This deliverable provides precise and realistic specification of ambitions, activities and planning for each of the interventions planned, running in parallel and in close cooperation with activities in WP1 on the extraction of requirements for the 5 Transition Tracks, including baseline definition of citizen energy and mobility behaviour, along with setting up of the monitoring principles and early business modelling development.
D5.2: Planning of Utrecht integration and demonstration activities
This deliverable provides the coordination structures and procedures concerning governance, communication, monitoring and impact analysis, local risk assessment, periodic reporting, and planning of Utrecht integration and demonstration activities aligned between Utrecht ecosystem partners.
D5.3: Launch of T.T. #1 Activities on Smart renewables and near zero energy district (Utrecht)
This deliverable describes the progress in Transition Track #1 ‘Smart renewables and closed-loop energy positive districts’ per end 2019 within the IRIS Utrecht demonstration project. Transition Track #1 focuses on seven measures:
- Measure 1: District wide PV
- Measure 2: LT district heating
- Measure 3: HEMS TOON
- Measure 4: NZEB refurbishment
- Measure 5: Smart (hybrid) e-heating systems
- Measure 6: AC/DC home switchboxes
- Measure 7: Smart DC Street Lighting
D5.4: Launch of T.T.#2 activities on Smart energy management and storage (Utrecht)
This deliverable describes the progress in Transition Track #2 Smart energy management and storage for flexibility per end 2019 within the IRIS Utrecht demonstration project. Transition Track #2 focuses on four measures:
- Measure 1: Solar V2G charging points for e-cars
- Measure 2: Solar V2G charging points for e-buses
- Measure 3: Stationary storage in apartment buildings
- Measure 4: Smart energy management system.
D5.5: Launch of T.T.#3 activities on Smart e-mobility (Utrecht)
This deliverable describes the progress in Transition Track #3 in the Smart e-mobility per end 2019 within the IRIS Utrecht demonstration project. Transition Track #3 focuses on two measures:
- Measure 1: V2G E-cars
- Measure 2: V2G e-buses
D5.6: Launch of T.T. #4 activities on CIP and information services (Utrecht)
This deliverable describes the progress in Transition Track #4 in the City Innovation Platform (CIP) and information services per end 2019 within the IRIS Utrecht demonstration project. Transition Track #4 focuses on five measures:
- Measure 1: Monitoring E-Mobility with LoRa network
- Measure 2: Smart Street Lighting with multi-sensoring
- Measure 3: 3D Utrecht City Innovation Model
- Measure 4: Monitoring Grid Flexibility
- Measure 5: Fighting Energy Poverty
D5.7: Launch of T.T. #5 Activities on Citizen Engagement and motivating feedback (Utrecht)
This deliverable describes the progress in Transition Track #5 ‘Citizen engagement and Co-creation’. This deliverable describes five measures that are developed and implemented in the demonstration area ‘Kanaleneiland-Zuid’ in Utrecht:
- Measure 1: Community building by Change agents
- Measure 2: Campaign District School Involvement
- Measure 3: Co-creation in Local Innovation Hub
- Measure 4: Campaign Smart Street Lighting
- Measure 5: VR New Home and District Experience
D5.8: Preliminary report on Utrecht lighthouse demonstration activities
This deliverable presents the intermediate results of the Utrecht lighthouse demonstration activities, comparing these results with the ambitions, specifications and planning of the Utrecht demonstration activities defined in D5.1, providing input for fine tuning the Utrecht citizen engagement activities and business models leading to optimization of Utrecht demonstration and replication activities until month 48.
D5.9: Final report on Utrecht lighthouse demonstration results and lessons learnt (pending EU approval)
This deliverable presents the final results of the Utrecht lighthouse demonstration activities, comparing the results with the ambitions, specifications and planning of the Utrecht demonstration activities, capturing the lessons learnt of all demonstration activities in M1-M66, including citizen engagement and business modelling results, providing input for knowledge dissemination and optimization of Utrecht CIP services and business models, and for replication of the IRIS smart city solutions across and beyond Utrecht city.
WP6: Nice Lighthouse City demonstration activities
D6.1: Report on baseline, ambition & barriers for Nice lighthouse interventions (Updated version)
The deliverable identifies the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Nice LH ecosystem and generates guidelines for the development of the IRIS action plan. In parallel and close cooperation with activities in WP1, the report includes citizen energy and mobility behaviour issues in view of defining early business modelling development.
D6.2: Planning of Nice integration and demonstration activities
This deliverable defines the optimal coordination, collaboration and communication between the Nice ecosystem partners and involved stakeholders, supporting optimal preparation and implementation of all foreseen Nice lighthouse interventions.
D6.3: Launch of T.T.#1 activities on Smart renewables and near zero energy district (Nice)
This deliverable describes the progress in Transition Track #1. The applied solutions concern:
- Measure 1: Collective self-consumption at building scale combining locally produced solar PV electricity and battery storage
- Measure 2: Optimization of heating load curve
- Measure 3: Commissioning process from the design to the operation
- Measure 4: Dashboard to raise environmental awareness
D6.4: Launch of T.T.2 activities on Smart energy management and storage for flexibility (Nice)
This deliverable describes the progress in Transition Track #2 in Nice and its associated use cases and functionalities. The measures described are:
- Measure 1: (IS 2.1 – Flexible electricity grid networks)
- Measure 2: (IS 2.2 – Smart multi-sourced low temperature district heating with innovative storage solutions)
- Measure 3: (IS 2.3 – Utilizing 2nd life batteries for smart large-scale storage schemes)
D6.5: Launch of T.T. #3 activities on Smart e-mobility (Nice) (pending approval by the EC)
This deliverable describes the progress in Transition Track #3 in Nice and its associated use cases and functionalities. The measures described are:
- Measure 1: Smart – Solar – V2G EVs charging
- Measure 2: Innovative Mobility Services for the Citizens
D6.6: Launch of T.T. #4 activities on City Innovation Platform and information services (Nice)
This deliverable describes the progress in Transition Track #4 in Nice and its associated use cases and functionalities. The measures described are:
- Measure 1: Sensors data collection in air quality
- Measure 2: BIM/CIM data display
- Measure 3: Data control and monitoring for Smart e-mobility
- Measure 4: Data interoperability with energy cloud
D6.7: Launch of T.T. #5 Activities on Citizen Engagement and motivating feedback (Nice) (pending approval by the EC)
This deliverable describes the progress in Transition Track #5 in Nice and its associated use cases and functionalities. The measures described are:
- Measure 1: Public awareness campaign Air Quality
- Measure 2: Public awareness campaign Energy – School & Collège; Youth & Family
- Measure 3: Citizens individual engagement – IoT invoices
D6.8: Preliminary report on Nice lighthouse demonstration activities
This deliverable presents the intermediate results of the Nice lighthouse demonstration activities, comparing these results with the ambitions, specifications and planning of the Nice demonstration activities defined in D5.1, providing input for fine tuning the Nice citizen engagement activities and business models leading to optimization of Nice demonstration and replication activities until month 48.
D6.9: Final report on Nice Lighthouse demonstration results & lessons learnt (pending EU approval)
This deliverable presents the final results of the Nice lighthouse demonstration activities, comparing the results with the ambitions, specifications and planning of the Nice demonstration activities, capturing the lessons learnt of all demonstration activities in M1-M66, including citizen engagement and business modelling results, providing input for knowledge dissemination and optimization of Nice CIP services and business models, and for replication of the IRIS smart city solutions across and beyond the Nice city.
WP7: Gothenburg Lighthouse City demonstration activities
D7.1: Report on baseline, ambition and barriers for Gothenburg lighthouse interventions
This deliverable provides precise and realistic specification of ambitions, activities and planning for each of the interventions planned, running in parallel and in close cooperation with activities in WP1 on the extraction of requirements for the 5 Transition Tracks, including baseline definition of citizen energy and mobility behaviour, along with setting up of the monitoring principles and early business modelling development.
D7.2: Planning of Gothenburg integration and demonstration activities
This deliverable provides the coordination structures and procedures concerning governance, communication, monitoring and impact analysis, local risk assessment, periodic reporting, and planning of Gothenburg integration and demonstration activities aligned between Gothenburg ecosystem partners.
D7.3: Launch of T.T.#1 activities on Smart renewables and near zero energy district (Gothenburg)
This deliverable explains the work to date to achieve the demonstrators under Transition Track #1 in Gothenburg in the IRIS project. The deliverable covers seven measures in the two sites Riksbyggen Brf Viva and HSB Living Lab:
- Measure 1: Demonstration of at least 200 kWh electricity storage in 2nd life batteries powered by 140 kW PV
- Measure 2: Demonstration of heating from geo energy with heat pumps (2-300 m deep boreholes)]
- Measure 3: Demonstration of cooling from geo energy without chillers
- Measure 4: Demonstration of local energy storages consisting of water buffer tanks, structural (thermal inertia of the building) storage and long-term storage in boreholes
- Measure 5: Demonstration of seasonal energy trading (cooling in summer season) with adjacent office block
- Measure 6: Development and demonstration of advanced Energy Management System to integrate PV, DH, grid and all abovementioned storage options to achieve peak shaving and minimal environmental impact]
- Measure 7: Demonstration of how Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) can be used in facade renovation process
D7.4: Launch of T.T. #2 Activities on Smart energy management and storage for flexibility (Gothenburg)
This deliverable describes the preparation and launch of activities performed in Transition Track #2 (Smart energy management and storage for flexibility) in Gothenburg. The measures described are:
- Measure 1 Demonstration of A 350 V DC building microgrid utilizing 140 kW rooftop PV installations and 200 kWh battery storage
- Measure 2 Demonstration of a low temperature DH 45/30 system for six buildings
- Measure 3 Demonstration of A 1700 kWh PCM (Phase Change Material) cooling storage.
- Measure 4 Demonstration of integration and evaluation of a 200kWh energy storage
D7.5: Launch of T.T. #3 Activities on Smart e-mobility (Gothenburg)
This deliverable describes the preparation and launch of activities performed in Transition Track #3: (smart e-mobility) in Gothenburg. A new Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept called EC2B (“Easy to be” or “Easy to B”) is implemented in Gothenburg with two specific measures:
- Measure 1: EC2B for tenants in Brf Viva
- Measure 2: EC2B for employees on Campus Johanneberg
D7.6: Launch of T.T.# 4 activities on City Innovation Platform and information services (Gothenburg)
This deliverable describes the preparation and launch of activities performed in T7.6, Demonstrating Transition Track #4: City Innovation Platform of the IRIS project. The measures described are:
- Measure 1: The City Information Platform
- Measure 2: The Energy Cloud
D7.7: Launch of T.T. #5 Activities on Citizen engagement and motivating feedback (Gothenburg)
This deliverable describes the preparation and launch of activities performed in T7.7, Demonstrating Transition Track #5: Demonstrating citizen engagement and motivating feedback of the IRIS project. The measures described are:
- Measure 1: Minecraft as a dialogue tool for citizen engagement
- Measure 2: Min Stad (My City) as a dialogue tool for citizen engagement
- Measure 3: Demonstration of a VR/AR visualisation of BIM and sensor data
- Measure 4: Demonstrating citizen engagement and motivating feedback; Personal Energy Threshold (PET)
D7.8: Preliminary report on Gothenburg lighthouse demonstration activities
This deliverable presents the intermediate results of the Gothenburg lighthouse demonstration activities, comparing these results with the ambitions, specifications and planning of the Utrecht demonstration activities defined in D7.1, providing input for finetuning the Gothenburg citizen engagement activities and business models, leading to optimization of Gothenburg demonstration and replication activities until month 48.
D7.9: Final report on Gothenburg Lighthouse demonstration results & lessons learnt (pending EU approval)
This deliverable presents the final results of the Gothenburg lighthouse demonstration activities, comparing the results with the ambitions, specifications and planning of the Gothenburg demonstration activities, capturing the lessons learnt of all demonstration activities in M1-M66, including citizen engagement and business modelling results, providing input for knowledge dissemination and optimization of Gothenburg CIP services and business models, and for replication of the IRIS smart city solutions across and beyond the Gothenburg city.
WP8: Replication by Lighthouse regions, Follower cities, European market uptake
D8.1: A Roadmap for replication of activities
The roadmap presented in this document will guide replication actions, both for LH cities, and FCs in the IRIS project. It is the main document in guiding FCs to produce replication plans and to move forward step by step in the process of replicating the integrated solutions demonstrated by the lighthouse cities in the IRIS project.
D8.2: A mentoring roadmap
This deliverable presents the mentoring actions for knowledge exchange and capacity building for the FCs in their replication projects. Other purposes of the deliverable are to report, and plan, past, current and coming mentoring activities in the IRIS project.
D8.3: Replication tool box
This deliverable presents the project’s exploitable results available for post-project and beyond-project continuation for capacity building, training and knowledge transfer. The deliverable gathers all tools available for replication activities in the IRIS project, together with explanations of what the tools are, when they can be used, how they are to be used and also when, and to whom, they are available.
D8.4: Vaasa replication plan
This deliverable provides a planning template for potential replication actions and development projects for Vaasa’s ecosystem. Additionally, the Deliverable strives to prioritize the potential replication activities, to promote Vaasa’s decarbonization aspirations with well-described and feasible integrative solutions, to describe the risks involved, and to provide implementation of KPIs monitoring plan. Moreover, this replication report focuses on removing obstacles from investments and capital expenditure planning, by providing visibility and technical assistance about the integrated solutions. It also provides knowledge, technical assistance and visibility for replication activities in wider perspective for key stakeholders, and utilizes the latest and established financial resources.
D8.5: Vaasa Northeastern Europe implementation guideline (pending EU approval)
This deliverable provides implementation guidelines with a specific focus on North-Eastern Europe. Guidelines provide details on how other areas in North-Eastern Europe may start the replication of activities.
D8.6: Alexandroupolis replication plan
This deliverable aims to support the city of Alexandroupolis to implement innovative, IRIS inspired, measures by providing technical assistance and visibility. The document provides a detailed list of prioritized selected solutions to be implemented in Alexandroupolis city, answering the recognized local challenges and needs. It provides specifications of the replication activities and assessment of the techno-economic feasibility, as well as financing opportunities and knowledge gap identification. Alexandroupolis’ Replication Plan, is the first coherent smart city plan of the city of Alexandroupolis.
D8.7: Alexandroupolis Southeastern Europe implementation guideline (pending EU approval)
This deliverable provides implementation guidelines with a specific focus on South-Eastern Europe. Guidelines provide details on how other areas in South-Eastern Europe may start the replication of activities.
D8.8: Santa Cruz de Tenerife replication plan
This deliverable represents the initial smart city plan of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It defines the foundations for project development and implementation regarding every single one of the selected measures based on the integrated solutions demonstrated by the IRIS Lighthouse cities. The document presents in a structured way the set of actions to be deployed across the city during the coming years regarding the smart city plan of the municipality with the following subsequent objectives; carbon footprint reduction according to SCT’s SECAP, improving mobility issues of the city as the main citizenship’s concern, creating conditions for new business models and boost employment based on innovative public services and infrastructures, refining the innovation culture of the municipality and increasing citizens’ participation in the local public policies.
D8.9: Santa Cruz de Tenerife Southwestern Europe implementation guideline (pending EU approval)
This deliverable provides implementation guidelines with a specific focus on South-Western Europe. Guidelines provide details on how other areas in South-Western Europe may start the replication of activities.
D8.10: Focsani replication plan
This deliverable presents the replication projects that can be implemented in the city of Focsani using the IRIS experience, especially the experience of the Lighthouse cities. The document provides a detailed list of prioritized selected solutions to be implemented in Focsani city, answering the recognized local challenges and needs. It provides Municipality well-structured and defined plan for implementation.
D8.11: Focsani South-Central Europe implementation guideline (pending EU approval)
This deliverable provides implementation guidelines with a specific focus on South-Central Europe. Guidelines provide details on how other areas in South-Central Europe may start replication of activities.
D8.12: European level replication plan (pending EU approval)
This deliverable presents a plan for a beyond-project replication of the IRIS solutions. It focuses on removing obstacles to investment, providing visibility and technical assistance to investment and replication in additional areas and making smarter use of new and existing financial resources.
D8.13: Establish & operate IRIS European smart cities network with Seven European level regional arrangements (pending EU approval)
This deliverable presents the IRIS European scale-up activities, connections to and co-operation with existing European cities networks and European-level regional arrangements (networks).
D8.14: Capacity building activities based on the IRIS smart cities tool-box (pending EU approval)
This deliverable presents the capacity building activities based on IRIS smart cities toolbox in terms of training, disseminating results and knowledge transfer through mentoring, training sessions and workshops.
D8.15 First update of the mentoring roadmap
This deliverable presents the first update of the mentoring roadmap for FCs.
D8.16: Second update of the mentoring roadmap (pending EU approval)
This deliverable presents the second update of the mentoring roadmap for FCs.
WP9 – Monitoring and evaluation
D9.1: Data Management Plan
This deliverable gives an early Data Management Plan based on the initial definition of KPIs. The DMP describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and / or generated, and includes information on the handling of data during and after the end of the project; what data will be collected, processed and/or generated; which methodology and standards will be applied; whether data will be shared/made open access; and how data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project). The early strategy also gives recommendations to ensure privacy and security of sensitive information.
D9.2: Report on monitoring and evaluation schemes for integrated solutions (Updated version)
Report on the KPIs and target numbers in relation to the all-embracing monitoring program, designed to be able to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the cities proposed integrated solutions at different time horizons, including necessary harmonization of metrics. The report will also contain an evaluation plan based on defined KPIs as well as a defined monitoring program, which is necessary to create a baseline for later reference.
D9.3: Report on data model and management plan for integrated solutions
Report with definitions on the monitoring infrastructure and comprehensive data collection approach and model which are needed for coordination and supervision of information collection.
D9.4: Report on unified framework for harmonized data gathering, analysis and reporting
Report on the design, development and deployment of the project unified monitoring and evaluation framework for that will allow smooth and integrated data gathering from all the LH cities, enabling the monitoring, post-processing, visualization and permitting easy sharing and cooperation between the consortium partners.
D9.5: Report on monitoring framework in LH cities and established baseline
D9.5 is the result of 2 years of work with several iterative processes involving the LH cities and their partners with the ultimate goal to: (1) Define a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the cities proposed measures, (2) Setup monitoring plans for each IS to define how each parameter is being measured to ensure that the KPIs can be calculated and (3) Define how the baseline and the targets are defined and measured.
D9.6: Intermediate report after one year of measurement
This deliverable provides the early results on the impact of actions carried out in the LHs. Based on the initial KPIs defined and through continuous analysis and evaluation of the results, along with the impact analysis, this deliverable will give an early indication on the effective potential of each integrated solution and technology implemented in the LHs.
D9.7: Report on evaluation and impact analysis for integrated solutions (pending EU approval)
This deliverable is the final report on the impact of all actions carried out in the LH Cities.
D9.8 First update of Data Management Plan
This deliverable updates the early Data Management Plan.
D9.9: Second update of the Data Management Plan (DMP)
This deliverable presents the 2nd update of the Data Management Plan.
D9.10: Third update of the Data Management Plant
This deliverable is the third update of the Data Management Plan.
D9.11: Fourth and final update of the Data Management Plan (pending EU approval)
This deliverable is the final update of the Data Management Plan.
WP10 – Communication and Dissemination
D10.1: Communication and dissemination plan with conference agenda
A framework document and strategy for effective and relevant local, national and European communication and dissemination across multiple channels. Facilitates a network of core communications contacts and locally generated content to engage citizens and stakeholders in sustainable change and boost demand for smart city solution replication.
D10.2: Corporate identity design and guide
Coordinated and clear visual identity for the project. Easy identification and understanding of key project goals, outputs and potential.
D10.3: First version of website and key social media channels online
Report on the establishment of the first version of the IRIS project website and the accompanied IRIS online social media channels to distribute IRIS content to interested media, specialist and public audiences. Basis for coordinated digital outreach and impact across multiple platforms. Development of social media to distribute IRIS content to interested media, specialist and public audiences.
D10.4: Interim social media and content distribution monitoring report
The deliverable presents the outcome of the IRIS project’s online activity until month 30 and recommendations on how to improve its digital strategy.
D10.5: Final social media and content distribution monitoring report (pending EU approval)
The deliverable presents the outcome of the IRIS project’s online activity until month 66. The IRIS project achieved its C&D goals for the reporting period, as it established its presence in the field of smart and sustainable cities (be visible) and exploited the achieved results so far by distributing more editorials, articles and deliverables (be credible).
D10.6: Interim report on national and international conferences
The deliverable provides an overview of IRIS representation and participation in international and national events, including webinars, with the aim to evaluate and, where possible, improve the contribution of the communication and dissemination actions at international and national events and webinars.
D10.7: Final report on national and international conferences (pending EU approval)
This deliverable summarizes the results of the participation of IRIS partners in specific national and international events and conferences for cooperation and exchange with other networks and selected projects in terms of communicating the project, disseminating results and knowledge transfer through plenary presentations, poster sessions, and participation in workshops.
D10.8: Report on local news desks and citizen journalism programs (pending EU approval)
This deliverable presents the key initiatives and lessons learned in fostering culturally appropriate local communications that drive sustainable behaviour change and demand for smart city solutions.
D10.9: Communication and dissemination tools and materials (pending EU approval)
This deliverable presents the online on offline dissemination channels and tools of IRIS as they were created and developed throughout the project. The IRIS tools and materials have been periodically updated, following the corporate identity and design guide, in order to adhere to the overall dissemination strategy of the project.
D10.10: First update of communication and dissemination plan
First update of the framework document and strategy for effective and relevant local, national and European communication and dissemination across multiple channels. Incorporates analysis of initial communications and modifies and updates to ensure effective communication and dissemination.
D10.12: Communication highlights, insights and lessons learnt from IRIS (pending EU approval)
This deliverable presents the IRIS magazine. It includes best practices for communicating in and around smart city initiatives in Europe. A practical set of key takeaways for long-term engagement and uptake.
WP11: Project Management
All the deliverables of WP11 are confidential.
WP12: Ethics requirements
All the deliverables of WP12 are confidential.