The initiative promotes sustainable mobility and prioritises locations in the vicinity of health centers, shopping areas and training centers across the city
IRIS partner Santa Cruz de Tenerife is promoting sustainable mobility across its five municipal districts through the development of fifty new charging points for electric vehicles.
Deputy mayor and councilor for the Environment, Carlos Correa, indicates that this initiative “will exponentially multiply the possibilities for this type of sustainable transport with electric vehicles to be increasingly possible in our capital”.
The mayor presented the launch to representative of the Association of Users of Electric Vehicles (AUVE), Héctor Rodríguez, and exchanged about further target areas of Santa Cruz to implement this type of recharging devices.
The aim is to grow, “with publication of a project tender for up to 23 recharge points on public roads distributed throughout the municipality, especially in areas close to health centers, shopping areas open and training centers. Some of them will also be located in the vicinity of taxi stands, in order to encourage the entry of electric vehicles in this sector of public transport. The commitment of the City of Santa Cruz to sustainable mobility is clear and is reinforced every day with initiatives of this nature, “adds Correa.
The meeting also served to set the basis for a platform to manage the charging points, so electric vehicle users can know their availability status or even make a reservation to recharge through a website or application for mobile phones.

27 Nov 2018