Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Research group on Law, Science, Technology and Society (VUB), Belgium

The interdisciplinary Research Group on Law, Science, Technology&Society (LSTS) was created in 2003 as an independent entity within the Faculty of Law and Criminology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). With more than 30 researchers at all levels of experience, LSTS has become a prominent European research institute in the area of technology regulation. LSTS has a well established reputation in research concerning privacy and data protection, an area where the work done by LSTS researchers is highly influential. LSTS researchers also operate the Brussels Privacy Hub (www.brusselsprivacyhub.org), an internationally focused privacy research centre and the Privacy Salon, an NGO aiming at public awareness of privacy and other social and ethical consequences of new technologies. LSTS is the main organizer of the yearly Computers, Privacy & Data Protection Conference (CPDP) (www.cpdpconferences.org).


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