Monday, October 23, 2017 – 00:00 to Wednesday, October 25, 2017 – 00:00Utrecht, The Netherlands

IRIS kick-off meeting: Co-creating smart and sustainable cities in Europe!
On 1 October 2017, the IRIS project was officially launched as the latest addition to the European Commission Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) Lighthouse project, under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. To celebrate this event, to get to know each other better and to make a great start in the implementation of the IRIS project, the kick-off meeting will take place Monday 23 October – Wednesday 25 October in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
IRIS is a 5-year project, which will be a collaboration of 43 partners from 9 countries, all originating from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, from enterprises and municipalities to research centres and universities. The project aims in unlocking the intelligence of communities by bringing together social innovation, engineering and ICT excellence in order to develop smart solutions, which will render urban environments greener and friendlier places able to use resources more efficiently. Within the project’s framework, the demonstrations of Smart City solutions has been planned to take place in 3 Lighthouse Cities and replication of these solutions will be realized in 4 Follower Cities across Europe.
We are looking forward to kick off this 5-year journey towards a smart and sustainable Europe!