On June 27th and 28th, the 7th edition of Innovative City took place in Nice, with the thematic “Innovation for better life & smart business”.
This major event in the field of innovative, connected and sustainable cities welcomed 3,250 participants, nearly 200 speakers, 140 exhibitors, including major industrial groups as well as start-ups and many international delegations.
This exhibition was the stage of major events for our territory:
The President of the Métropole NCA, also Mayor of the City of Nice, Christian ESTROSI, signed a new partnership with Philippe MONLOUBOU, Chairman of the Executive Board of ENEDIS, and Jean-Thierry MONTI, Regional Delegate of EDF Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. This signature reflects an ambitious investment policy of 70 million euros with ENEDIS. The objective of this partnership is to set up a local organization and a unified governance, from the mountains to the coast. This strengthened coordination between public and private actors demonstrates once again the willingness of Métropole NCA to pursue its development policy focused on Smart City, Energy Transition and Smart Grids. “Electricity is a common good to which every citizen is entitled, and it is our duty to ensure that the conditions of service, in our territory, meet the needs of users, today and tomorrow,” said Mr. ESTROSI. - SIGNATURE OF A PARTNERSHIP ON “SMART CAMPUS” :
During the 2nd day of the exhibition, Université Côte d’Azur, represented by its President, Jean-Marc GAMBAUDO, and Mines ParisTech/ARMINES, represented by Georges KARINIOTAKIS, Head of “Renewable Energies and Energy Systems” group, have signed with ENEDIS, GRDF and Schneider Electric, respectively represented by Bernard MOURET, Director of Côte d’Azur, Grégory BERTRAND, Territorial Director, and David CHASSOUANT, Regional Director, a partnership agreement to jointly develop a “Smart Campus” based on the deployment of an experimental smart grid. This project, which mobilizes the industrial and academic ecosystem of the French Riviera dedicated to Smart Electricity, will be physically based on two sites: Sophia Antipolis, for the SophiaTech and Mines ParisTech campuses, and Nice Méridia, for the EcoCampus, which is under construction. With the goal of industrial deployment of smart grids in the territory, the Parties will collaborate on the development of innovative scientific activities, research and development, but also on training for “Intelligent Electrical Networks” of future professionals and will enhance the value of research.
Another highlight of Innovative City was the conference “Universities, Territories and Economic Development: What tools at the service of citizens? “, led by Marianne MENSAH, International Executive Director at University of Côte d’Azur, during which Jackie KRAFFT, Director of Research at GREDEG-CNRS Laboratory, presented IRIS (Integrated and Replicable Solutions for Co-Creation in Sustainable Cities) European project that is locally coordinated by the Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur.
23 Jul 2018