The IRIS Smart Cities project is thrilled to announce its participation, jointly with 29 European initiatives and projects under the umbrella of the European Commission, to the Smart City Expo World Congress 2022 taking place between November 15th and 17th in Barcelona.
Scalable Cities Secretariat and Smart Cities Marketplace are spearheading the organization and management among partners to bring forth a joint presence of projects named “European Smart Cities and Communities” that are collectively leading the way and piloting cutting-edge innovative solutions with the aim to replicate them across cities in Europe on the path to climate neutrality.
The joint presence of all partners will be felt and seen in various forms at the event. The focus point will be a joint booth that will host numerous smaller sessions organized by attending projects throughout the duration of the event. Projects and initiatives will also take part in 4 large sessions, called the agora sessions that will include a larger and more diverse audience. In addition, smaller private meetings and matchmaking sessions will take place concurrently to the main programme.
The agora programme to be presented by the ESCC includes cross-cutting topics such as the state-of-the-art solutions deployed by European cities, digitalisation enabling livability and citizen engagement, innovative financial schemes and funding for sustainable energy and climate actions, and bottlenecks and barriers for cities on their path towards a just transition to climate neutrality.
The programme at the booth will host 13 individual sessions organized in a collaborative manner by attending projects and will supplement and reinforce the cross-cutting topics presented at the agoras. The topics of these sessions will deal with a plethora of issues, such as the needs and support cities require to enable innovation; climate neutrality goals; financing, investment and funding for smart cities; lessons learnt from the SCC projects, data-driven co-creation; digitalisation and governance; contributions to the Climate Mission and Urban Agenda 2030; Positive Energy Districts; replication and process-learning in practice; local collaborative governance; dashboard and tools for citizen-centric digital public services; usable data for cities; and innovation in cities towards their way to achieving climate neutrality.
Please, come join us at the SCEWC 2022 (Booth B21) to witness interesting agora and booth sessions and to meet your city representatives. IRIS Smart Cities representatives will be sharing their experiences during the “State of the European Smart Cities” in the Green Agora and also at the booth sessions: “Digitalisation at local level – How to get all cities and communities involved, making use of past and present projects?” and “Local Collaborative Governance”.
You can download the full European Smart Cities and Communities programme
For any questions, requests or supporting information, please contact the Scalable Cities Secretariat at scalable_cities@twentycomms.com.