The city of Utrecht is the Dutch frontrunner in car sharing. In early October 2018, the city signed a Green Deal to further accelerate shared mobility progress. With the Green Deal a broad coalition of 40 stakeholders agreed to an ambitious target: three years from now, in 2021, the Netherlands should host 100.000 shared cars and 700.000 users of car sharing platforms.
The IRIS project will contribute to this objective by introducing the We Drive Solar car sharing system in Kanaleneiland-Zuid. The sun powers these shared vehicles, with solar panels on residents’ roofs charging their batteries.
Signing the Green Deal, State Secretary Van Veldhoven emphasized the benefits of car sharing: “On average cars are parked 23 hours a day. If people share cars, those cars will spend less time parked. This yields a lot of space and saves parking costs. Also, car sharers tend to use their cars more consciously, emitting significantly less CO2.”
The number of shared cars is growing in the Netherlands, with Lighthouse City Utrecht leading the way and having the highest number of shared cars per resident.
Read more on the Green Deal car sharing
22 Oct 2018